Monday 6 May 2013

välkomna alla brevbärare fans!

Welcome to all Postal groupies!

I am Alvar Ljunghonung and I am the Producer of the film 'Olaf The Reasonable Swedish Deity' which is currently filming in HOLMSTAD (Norge) and GÖTEBORG. This blog is a way for you to keep in contact with our film as it is made, to see exclusive foretastes of what is coming and to meet the stars (Jens Petr Kamensky, Helga Gunarsson and Olaf Klassen) and the director (Goran Jensson) and other crew. The film is being shot simultaneously in English and Svenska

The outline of the story:

Olaf Biellensky, a post office worker in GÖTEBORG,  slips over on ice because he was wearing inappropriate shoes. He comes around and finds himself in the street, suddenly aware of an additional force to his nature, and a visual perception of how to bring accord to the world. He knows he has no superhuman strength (opening a tin still requires a tin opener), but he is aware that when he talks to people he seems able to settle disagreements, and bring harmony where there is discord. Not everyone is open to his abilities, after an incident in which a coworker attempts to ‘send’ him to Norway in a letter sack, he is forced on the road ( he pushes the sack out of the van outside a small town in central Sweden). Feeling despondent he turns to the letters that surrounds him and starts opening them trying to find someone he can find to help out. This is when he finds a letter from a doctor to a patient in Norvege, explaining that no matter how many times she calls, they cannot change the diagnosis. He seeks Freya out to try and reconcile her to her fate, or to find an accord that will harmonise the desires of the medical professionals and Freya. 

This project has been in production for 5 years, and with great help from Galvarsson Medical Instrumentation, Millichipp International Investments and LustigWeil 'The Fund' we are able to finance the last elements of the shoot and to start the post-production at FilmSkåp, SV, and in the studios of Apaslap-Läppcup Film, SV. 

1 comment:

  1. An incredibly original content and treatment of subject matter. I wish you a successful conclusion to your venture.
